Why do car rental companies in the insurance

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Renting a car can act like a daunting process for the inexperienced traveler. There are a number of things, research and consideration. You need this kind of car that matches your needs and finding a price that works with your budget. Once you find the right car for you and reserve your search is not done. Insurance is a big part of your costs of renting and you should know what you need and what you can do without. Here isOverview of car insurance.

Car insurance required

Car rental companies no longer necessary to have insurance on your rental and many states require that you have insurance by law. While the car is responsible for the way they are, if an accident is your fault or not. To make sure they are covered in case of theft or accident.

Types of coverage

There are basically twoTypes of motor insurance. The first type protects the owner of the car, in this case, the rental company. For example, if you're in an accident and the car was a rental car is a new car paid for by insurance. In addition, protection of the owner for damages resulting from an accident, such as material damage or personal injury. The other protects you, the driver of accidents that can happenWhich does not include your fault, theft and vandalism of the vehicle. Usually, car manufacturers have entered the required for both types of insurance, and if it is not necessary, is always a good idea to have both.

You may already be covered

If you already have auto insurance for your car at home, then you may be covered for rentals. Check with your insurance company to see if it falls and if so, conditions. Ask if you are completelyfall within the States, you are going. Also ask how the deductible, if you get into an accident or the car is stolen. E 'should request a copy of the conditions of your insurance, so there are no misunderstandings. If you use their insurance so be sure to bring a copy of insurance card, you must do this before, if you pick up the vehicle.

You can be the subject of a credit card for some or all motor insurance.See if one of your credit card carries insurance for rental cars. In that case, be sure to meet the requirements, and use this card in your rental car. Ask the relief where there is a disaster, this type of report is usually a large deductible, then you can decide to go with the assurance of the landlord. They also want the city to get the rent check. Policies and procedures may be between the airport of Malaga and JFKAirport.

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