Need Rental Car Coverage?

Posted by Play | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 10:15

Two types of auto insurance are very common:

First, if you can rent a car, the agent will ask if you want to purchase property insurance or CDW. This coverage is required to reimburse the landlord for damage to your car, if you have an accident. If you choose, it will be several dollars a day rental fee. This could be up to $ 50-70 or more in a week> Let.

If you include car insurance and your policy, coverage of collision, so ask your broker if you cover in a car. Many policies will pay for damage to the car. However, there are two things that their own criteria, or maybe not:

Most of the personal political, they will not pay for "loss of use" for the car owner. This refers to the money could have the car rentalworth a rental car, if not in store, because your accident. If he had $ 400 to rent the car during the two weeks worth in the workshop, you may charge to $ 400. If you are interested in this opportunity, it is safer to pay for the CDW.
Most personal policies will pay if the car is traveling, but not when you let go to a friend. This will be used freely as "too much". Most policies will pay for personalDamage to your car when you give your friend permission to drive, but that does not cover damage to a machine that you should pay, if you (give permission to drive a friend, but his girlfriend could) pay for insurance. If you want to allow someone to have to drive the car, and that the person is not insurance, you can pay for the CDW.
Some personal policy will not pay for damage to a rental car, if you think itcommercial purposes. In this case, the company must cover the insurance for the loss. Otherwise, or if you are not sure you can pay for the CDW.

Secondly, you probably can buy rental reimbursement coverage on your personal auto policy. This coverage pays for some or all of the costs of hiring a replacement for you if you have your car in the garage because of an accident. The cost is usually several dollars per month, per car. WhenThey have three cars, for example, could cost $ 200 per year or more.

Ask yourself if you have an accident and the car is in the shop, you'll need a car to replace it? If you and your spouse both work in different places, and you have your own car, you might want to buy rental reimbursement coverage.

But what happens if you have three cars, including a sports car that you drive only on weekends? Or a truckvarious commissions for you? If a car in the garage that you drive that truck to work extra? Or what if you and your wife work now is similar and was able to carpool? If so, then you can not have rental reimbursement coverage.

Finally, there are two basic rules to make good policy decisions:

Never pay for reporting that do not need, and
Never shy of coverage you need.

In this sense, ask yourself ifCDW by the company should hire, purchase or rental, if you need to replace the coverage on your auto policy. If you need to buy. If you do not need, then save your money.

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